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The Conservatives received a battering in the polls with several former cabinet ministers losing their seats. In what has been dubbed one of Britain's most historic elections, Sir Keir Starmer has emerged as the new Prime Minister of the UK as the Labour Party wins a massive majority. With a long road to recovery ahead of them, the Conservative Party need to re build and earn public trust in them. Conservative MP John Glen from Salisbury discussed this with Esther Higham and Michael Fanstone
Released on 5 Jul 2024
Mark Sayers, author and senior leader of Red Church in Melbourne, chats to Michael Fanstone about Billy Joel, 'doomscrolling', and how the history of the church shows we're on the cusp of revival. Mark is the author of ‘A non-anxious presence: How a Changing and Complex World Will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders'.
This weekend Premier Christian Radio heads to the Isle of Wight to learn of what God is doing there especially in evangelism and missional work, and to get a sense of the community ahead of the upcoming Lionheart festival. Bob White, who runs Revive Newport Outreach, as well as Rev Brian Harley the Minister of Shanklin United Reformed Church spoke to Michael Fanstone about the fascinating ways God is moving in their community.
Ben and Emma Carman visited the Isle of Wight in 2020 and felt God calling them back to live there and plant a church there. Four years later Altitude Church has about 75 members and a sizable number of children and young people. Ben and Emma shared with Michael Fanstone how it all began and the incredible way God confirmed His plan for them.
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