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If your home is infested with mould, it could be affecting your health.
The Royal College of Physicians has issued fresh warning stressing that unless laws are toughened many more people will die from the effects of black mould. Can Christian landlords make a difference by being better landlords?
Matt Hawthorn, Helen Webb and Christopher Osubor spoke to Premier's Esther Higham on Inspirational Breakfast
Released on 22 Jan 2024
Who’s the most inspiring boss you’ve ever worked for? Judith Davey Cole was named one of the Most Inspiring CEOs in 2021 and she spoke to Premier's Esther Higham about her new role as CEO of the Girls Brigade
We all know we need to do more to save the planet – but do you sometimes get confused how you should go about it? It’s easy to be bamboozled by all the information out there and the companies trying to green-wash you As a Christian what should be our response to climate change and should we be aiming at being carbon neutral. Andy Lester, Angela Whittaker and Anna Newlove were on Inspirational Breakfast to discuss this with Premier's Esther Higham
The half term holiday is around the corner - what are your plans for your children? February can be wet, rainy and cold which can make it hard to keep the kids busy during the half term holiday. Lansdowne Church has over the years had a holiday club for children during the half term. Darren Peach spoke to Premier's Esther Higham on Inspirational Breakfast on this and more.
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