Worship artist Martin Smith shares what keeps him going


Worship artist Martin Smith's brand-new album is as celebratory and uplifting as they come - a heady mix of gospel and rock, with a little sprinkling of 70s style funk. The record is simply titled 'Joy'. So after 30 plus years in the music business, what keeps the former Delirious frontman going? Martin sat down with our producer Max Avard to chat about it

Released on 6 Nov 2024

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Can movies change minds about God?

7 Nov 2024

Scientists in the USA have confirmed that watching films can change a person’s views, affecting our understanding of emotions and moral positions. This aligns with scripture, as Jesus said in Luke 11: “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light.” How can Christian filmmakers use movies to influence viewers’ minds about God? Director Paul Syrstad and film critic Andy Godfrey discuss this with Esther Higham.

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