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Esther Higham speaks to Ian Soars CEO of Spurgeons and Rev Giselle Rusted, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Lead for Pennine Care Foundation on mental health issues in young people. With the high rate of mental health problems in people aged 16-25 years, what can we do to support and roll back the thickening clouds filling the minds of our young people? They discuss the possibility of over-reliance on scriptures in addressing mental issues, rather than having a collaborative approach to the problem.
Released on 10 Oct 2023
Rev David Hardman chats with Esther Higham live from Jerusalem and shares how he felt waking up to the sounds of sirens and rockets when the conflict broke out.
What can we do today that would heal the scars of the past? Is reparations for the slave trade in the UK a ray of light for Black people? Esther Higham speaks to broadcaster, author and founder of Heirs of Slavery Alex Renton and the Music Director at Liverpool Lighthouse and the Liverpool Gospel Music Festival Chair, Anu Omedeyi.
Miriam Cates (MP), Bishop David Walker (House of lords) and Andy Flanagan Director of Christians in Politics, discuss whether Church leaders should speak out about issues in politics and society or stick to preaching.
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