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Kidney disease affects over seventy thousand people in the UK. Furthermore, kidney disease is about five times more common in people from minority ethnic groups. Compounded with a worrying lack of kidney donations, it means, they are least likely to receive a transplant. So, what can be done? And how does this disease affect those living with it? Candice McKenzie spoke to Premier's Esther Higham.
Released on 14 Mar 2024
With the words from the Hadith being displayed at Kings Cross Station in London, is the UK no longer a Christian country? Imtiaz Khan, Islam Missiologist from London City Mission, and Tim Dieppe from Christian Concern chat with Mal Pope about diversity, double standards, and evangelising in Mosques.
Rod Barr is the writer behind the blockbuster hit 'The Sound of Freedom'. He sat down with Esther Higham to chat about his latest film 'Cabrini' which tells the true story of Catholic missionary Francesca Cabrini.
Composer Adrian Snell chats with Esther Higham about a new anniversary edition of 'The Passion', working with his son, and how his faith was radically changed.
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