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Losing a loved one means that in this life you can’t speak to them again. But imagine if you could do so with the help of an AI-generated Avatar. As Christians, is this a helpful tool or one to be avoided? Nathan Mladin, James Poulter, Alisa Latty-Alleyne spoke to Premier's Esther Higham
Released on 26 Feb 2024
Almost half of working people in the UK work from home. With so many people struggling with isolation and loneliness, should we be encouraging people to get back to the office? Or should churches fling open their doors and create communal spaces for those working remotely? Ennette Lainchbury from the LICC and Rev Paul Kennedy spoke to Premier's Esther Higham
Writers Lauren Windle and Delphine Chui join Esther Higham for a chat about gender equality, whether Jesus was a feminist, and what it means for genders to be 'equal, but different'.
Drug addiction is something affecting so many of our communities right now. According to the Office for National Statistics, one in eleven adults reported drug use in 2022 and for younger people aged between 16-24, that figure drops to one in five. Why are things getting worse and what can be done to help? Ricky McAddock, CEO of Street Connect and Emma Heath, founder of STAR Recovery, spoke to Premier's Esther Higham.
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