In this age of inclusion and sensitivity, it’s more important than ever to know and share the truth.
God’s ways are higher than ours, and His actions can seem mysterious—though He always accomplished His purpose.
Dr. Stanley reminds us of the truth in Scripture that states God is a God of love, but also of perfect justice.
Find out why God loves you no matter what, but still disciplines you.
In Luke 24, we see many details that set the life and death of Jesus apart from any other earthly life.
Dr. Stanley discusses Scripture that discredits the false belief that while saved by grace, we must live by works.
Dr. Stanley leads us through scriptures describing God as infinite in power and absolute in faithfulness.
We’ll never attain the perfect purity of the Lord, but He expects us to seek it.
When the Lord says He is faithful, that means He will always do what He says.
When the Lord says He is faithful, that means He will always do what He says.
Dr. Stanley explains the perfect, eternal consistency of our heavenly Father and what it means for us.
We might not live like the ancient Israelites did, but our God is the same God He was then.
Dr. Stanley clarifies the relationship between God's mercy, our salvation, and His holiness.