What makes a good deed . . . well . . . good? If you think that the measure of a good deed is the amount of good it does for others, you’ll be surprised by the criteria John MacArthur considers this question in his current study called . . . The Road to Nowhere. Be listening for the next GRACE TO YOU.
When I say the word heaven, what comes to mind? You may think of experiencing pure joy . . . seeing loved ones who are there now . . . or being freed from suffering . . . certainly things to be excited about. But do you ever think about something much more foundational . . . namely, how do you get to heaven? John MacArthur helps you answer that question. Join him next . . . for GRACE TO YOU.
You’ve planned, you’ve packed, and now you’re ready for what you hope will be an enjoyable road trip. Of course, there’s one trip you definitely never want to take . . . the trip, literally, to hell. Question is . . . How can you be sure you aren’t headed there? Find out with John MacArthur as he continues his study called . . . The Road to Nowhere . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason . . . when you consistently read and meditate on God’s Word, you’ll be changed day by day into the image of Christ. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur . . . as he gives you some helpful tests to evaluate your relationship with Christ . . . on the next GRACE TO YOU.
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