Faith, Hope, and Love

A daily dose of sunshine with stories, interspersed with uplifting songs.

Monday - Thursday from 10am on Premier Christian Radio.

Spirituality in the Highlands

27 Jul 2023

For Nation's Day Scotland, Maria spoke to Howard Espie, an Anglican priest in charge of Greenwood retreat in the highlands of Scotland. He tells us about local saints, prophetic visions and God at work in this ancient part of the UK!

Take church out the building!

26 Jul 2023

Rev Martin Poole shares why he has been adopting creative ways of reaching his community with the Gospel.

Getting good at evangelism

24 Jul 2023

Dr Andy Bannister has written a new book about how to talk to others about Jesus without looking like an idiot. He offers some creative, practical tips of getting better at sharing the Good News.

You can prevent girls getting into gangs

20 Jul 2023

With young people searching for a sense of belonging, Tom Pickering of XLP youth charity shares about the shocking numbers of young people entering gangs in the UK.

The Plane Parable

19 Jul 2023

Darren Richards of Mercy Ships came onto the show to talk to Mal Pope (covering for Maria) about the Charity and his new book "the Plane Parable"

Mini Sermon: Matthew Skirton

18 Jul 2023

Matthew Skirton joined Mal Pope (Covering for Maria Rodrigues) to discuss confusion in the Church and what we can learn from the Tower of Babel

Why Christians should grow their own fruit and veg

18 Jul 2023

Ruth Valerio joined Mal Pope (Covering for Maria) to talk about how we should be doing more as stewards of the Earth

Loving the Bible More!

18 Jul 2023

Rev Martin Young joined Mal Pope (Covering for Maria) to talk about his new book 'This is That' and how we can grow to love the Bible!

God's healing after growing up in care

13 Jul 2023

David Meader spent 16 years in a children's home. He shared the story and where God has been, as documented in his book '16 Years in Care'.

Peter and Linda Lyne share their faith stories, as documented in their new book.

12 Jul 2023

Peter and Linda Lyne share their faith stories, as documented in their new book.

Mother & Son chat about transitioning their relationship into adulthood

11 Jul 2023

Pastor Jo Naughton and her son Benj, who has just finished university talk about the importance of changing the way you relate to your child or parent once you become an adult.

Pilgrimage: walking as a spiritual exercise

10 Jul 2023

Rev Penelope Swithinbank shares the power of pilgrimage to draw us closer to God

Giving up Yoga for Jesus

10 Jul 2023

Mindy Tagliente shares her story of giving Jesus 30 days to appear in her life when she was a yoga instructor, and the impact it had on her.

Haydon Spenceley: new music, ministry and life in a wheelchair

6 Jul 2023

Haydon Spenceley is a ordained priest in the Church of England and a part-time musician. He's also a wheelchair user. He spoke with Premier's Donna Birrell to talk about his new album 'Ruthless Trust' and whether the Church is doing enough for people who are disabled.

Carrying a cross around the world

5 Jul 2023

Lindsay Hamon is an evangelist and minister who goes around the world walking with a 25 kg cross on his back! Now in his 70s, he joined Premier's Donna Birrell to share some of his story and why he ministers the way he does.