Faith, Hope, and Love

A daily dose of sunshine with stories, interspersed with uplifting songs.

Monday - Thursday from 10am on Premier Christian Radio.

The inivible divides in Church

24 Oct 2023

Natalie Williams, CEO of Jubilee+, joined Donna Birrell (covering for Maria) to tell us about secret divides that may stop people from feeling welcome in your church....

From beauty therapist to Church Of Scotland minister

24 Oct 2023

Rev Kaye Gardiner explains to Donna Birrell (covering for Maria) the small act of courage which turned her life upside down!

28 countries still practice Female genital mutilation!

23 Oct 2023

Anne Marie Wilson is part of 28 Too many, an organisation dedicated to ending FGM. She joined Mal Pope (covering for Maria) to tell us more about the terrible practice...

Poor mental health doesn't have to be a life sentence!

19 Oct 2023

Patrick Regan of Kintsugi Hope joined Donna Birrel (covering for Maria) to talk about his new book Brighter Days, hoping to improve your mental and spiritual health, for a brighter future...

The cutting edge evangelists sharing Jesus with Gen Z

18 Oct 2023

Jesse Fellingham, Xenia James and Michael Yelland–Brown of The Way UK share their stories of coming to faith in Jesus and why they go on to the streets to ask people questions about the meaning of life.

Why are young people leaving church?

18 Oct 2023

Aaron Routledge of The Message Trust shares about the importance of raising up young evangelists.

Exploring the conflict in the Holy Land: are we in end times?

17 Oct 2023

Steph Gutmann has a particular interest in Israel and Judaism. She takes us on a journey through scripture to see what the spiritual significance of the current conflict is and whether we should be ready for Christ's return.

Wrestling with tough verses about disability.

16 Oct 2023

Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, author of ‘Loving our own bones’, shares her journey into Judaism as a professor who has explored both Jewish and Christian scriptures on the topic of disability.

Walt Disney’s family went to church

16 Oct 2023

As Disney celebrates 100 years of animation, Rev Martin Poole, priest of St Luke’s Church and former TV producer for Disney shares something of why he says Christians must draw on the world of entertainment as part of our evangelism and discipleship.

Why Christy Wimber is speaking out now

16 Oct 2023

Author, leader, speaker and Global Church Planter with Friends (Quakers) shares her thoughts on some of the challenges facing churches, including Anaheim Vineyard and Soul Survivor, as well as positive stories of the way the Spirit is moving among the Friends Church globally at this time.

Biblical level healing: God healed a withered leg

12 Oct 2023

Jemimah Wright shares her experience of having faith awakened during her YWAM gap year mission...

Is it OK for Christians to watch Big Brother?

9 Oct 2023

Cameron Stout is the Christian who won the 2003 series. With its return to our TV screens he shares his thoughts and reflections on reality TV.

God brought joy from pain

9 Oct 2023

Joy Hutfield shares how the death of her child and a health diagnosis helped her change her life path.

Healing for the soul

9 Oct 2023

We often hear talk about prayer for physical healing, but evangelist Trudy Makepeace believes it is also important for us to encourage those in our church congregations to go on a journey of healing of the soul, especially if we have been through tough times, as she has...

Youth from my church died in knife attack

5 Oct 2023

Efrem Buckle, deputy CEO of London City Mission, has worked with young people and experienced first-hand a youth from his church called Zac being killed through knife crime.