Faith, Hope, and Love

A daily dose of sunshine with stories, interspersed with uplifting songs.

Monday - Thursday from 10am on Premier Christian Radio.

God wanted us to replace the missionaries who were killed!

14 Nov 2023

Brenda Hart, the co-founder of OrphAids, tells Mal Pope (covering for Maria) all about her life, including going on mission in Ecuador where five missionaries had been killed by the indigenous people....

From global gospel career to mental health advocacy: A conversation with Nia Price

13 Nov 2023

Nia Price spoke to Mal Pope about her life as a singer, her family's struggle with cancer and her work currently helping young people!

Are smoke machines and non-Christian musicians OK for worship?

9 Nov 2023

Joe Hardy, creative director of New Wine worship answered your questions and shared thoughts on the dos and don'ts of worshipping God with music!

Men talking about disappointment

8 Nov 2023

Dr Peter Roscoe shares why he believes men need to talk about tough stuff. He's author of 'Man Up to Infertility'...

Finding God in seasons of waiting

8 Nov 2023

Pastor Simon Lawton is author of 'Pray, Wait and Trust'. He shares what he learnt when he was out of work for 14 months.

Teaching children to hear the voice of God

7 Nov 2023

Matt Holman is author of a book called ‘Activating the Voice of God in your home' which gives tips and activations to help children hear God's voice.

SURGERY: Your tough Bible questions answered

6 Nov 2023

Rev Dr Ian Paul is author of many books on the bible. He answered your questions, ranging from whether the conflict in Israel is alluded to in the book of Revelation, whether Jonah was really swallowed by a whale and more.

It's time to take the gaze off ourselves!

2 Nov 2023

Pete Portal is leader of The Tree of Life church in Manenberg, South Africa, and shares on the journey he's been on exploring what it means to be successful in the kingdom of God.

What is it not OK to do as a Christian?

2 Nov 2023

Bobbi Kumari of Living in Light ministry and author or 'Sacred Sexuality' answered your questions about flirting, masturbation, smoking and more.

Is growth of Artificial Intelligence dangerous?

1 Nov 2023

James Poulter is CEO of Vixen Labs answered your questions. Should we put the brakes on AI as Christians or embrace it?

Demonic activity is no joke

31 Oct 2023

Minister Charlynne Boddie shares stories of demons, highlighting the victory of Jesus over the powers of darkness, also bringing a discussion about whether we should avoid watching horror films as Christians.

Is Halloween a gateway to the demonic?

30 Oct 2023

Becky Fischer is a well-known children's ministry pastor who is passionate about parents and churches being careful about what they expose children to. She shares her thoughts on Halloween and supernatural children's ministry.

Dealing with hurt, offense and pain

30 Oct 2023

Lin Button has decades of experience in the area of prayer ministry. She has a background teaching on inner healing and writing books to help bring freedom in Christ. She answers your questions on dealing with difficult situations in the workplace, church and family....

You are not alone when raising a child!

27 Oct 2023

Have you ever felt isolated when raising children? Marianne Fernandez is here to tell you you're not alone, she joined Donna Birrell to tell a faith-filled story...

From a working out of a shed to an international charity!

25 Oct 2023

Noni and Peter Farrelly are church leaders who set up a charity called Growbaby to help supply young mothers with essential resources, which has now gone international with over 48 different branches! They spoke to Donna Birrell (covering for Maria) about their miracle-filled testimony!