Faith, Hope, and Love

A daily dose of sunshine with stories, interspersed with uplifting songs.

Monday - Thursday from 10am on Premier Christian Radio.

A God of miracles

5 Jan 2024

Kevin Elliot, chair of Mission Macedonia, shares his journey from being in a Baptist church that didn't believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to preaching in a stadium full of people healed by the power of God!

Prophetic Word for 2024

3 Jan 2024

Rev Dr Betty King shares what she senses the Lord saying to her for this new year.

"I entered prostitution at 17"

2 Jan 2024

Michelle Steele, author of 'Escaping Hell', shares how God broke into her life. You can read more of her story here:

I was the first Christian in my Family!

22 Dec 2023

After being converted at school, gospel singer Ola Olive had her work cut out for her. She told Maria about the terrible bullying she faced and how it drove her to open a Women's refuge centre!

Dealing with hurt and conflict at Christmas.

20 Dec 2023

Pastor Jo Naughton joins us to share some wisdom on how to prepare your heart for any challenges that Christmas may bring.

We need to call a ceasefire!

19 Dec 2023

Tim Livesey, CEO of Embrace the Middle East, joined Maria Rodrigues to discuss the shooting of a mother and daughter from inside the only Catholic church in Gaza, of which the Israeli government has denied any involvement.

How to respond to those who are begging or homeless this Christmas

19 Dec 2023

Jon Kuhrt of homelessness charity Hope into Action answers your questions on how to engage with those who are begging and those who are sleeping rough. has context menu

Dealing with conflict in the workplace

19 Dec 2023

David Meader is a Christian who helps people resolve difficult situations offers advice and insight into how to deal with difficulties at work.

The Holy Spirit in Wales

7 Dec 2023

Julian Richards shares his story of tracking the Holy Spirit in the nation of Wales.

Living in intentional community life

7 Dec 2023

Jill Weber is o ne of the writers/hosts of the Lectio 365 daily devotional app and head of the House of Prayer at Waverley Abbey. She explores the power of the residential community and offers tips on how to find God in daily life.

Miraculous testimonies in Uganda!

6 Dec 2023

Nicola Neal, founder and CEO of Every Life International, shares her life in Uganda which is full of miracles, conversions and much more!

Savouring every moment in daily life

5 Dec 2023

Sister Gemma Simmonds believes that hugging an animal or eating a mince pie could become a spiritual experience, rather like a mini-retreat. She shares tips and advice for becoming more aware of God’s presence in daily life.

Singleness shouldn't be a sentence to loneliness!

5 Dec 2023

Nick Mance and Lauren Windle joined Donna Birral to discuss singleness in the church and how it might be worse in the Christmas season..

Unpacking depression as a Christian

5 Dec 2023

Caroline Mountford is on a mission to ensure there is more education about depression in the workplace, schools and church. She answered your questions about depression.

Christian rehab centre changing lives in the UK

5 Dec 2023

Chris and Leon have both been through Yeldall Manor's rehabilitation programme after personal battles. Leon ended up in prison through his addictions. They share their stories and how God has broken in.