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CS Lewis discusses the importance of 'myth' in this critique of those who want to 'demythologise' Christianity. He explains why Christ is the 'true myth' that all other stories of dying and rising gods are pointing towards.
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Released on 13 Jun 2022
Originally preached a sermon in 1945, this essay by Lewis uses the imagery of a diver to explain the significance of the incarnation as God stepping into creation to ultimately redeem it. Get Alister's new book What's the Point of Theology? .....
This essay originally took the form of a talk at the Socratic club in Oxford in 1952. Lewis explains the difference between 'Faith A' as 'intellectual assent' and 'Faith B' as 'trust or confidence in God', as well as the experience of awe. Get .....
Originally given as a talk in 1945, this was the first piece of Lewis' writing that Alister Mcgrath ever read as a student and it had a profound influence on him. It includes Lewis' memorable phrase: 'I believe in Christianity as I believe that the.....
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