Sometimes we can get so busy and preoccupied with other things we forget what we have been assigned to do. With this in mind, we must focus on the main priorities in our lives, which should revolve around our identities in Christ.
Christ was God’s greatest gift to us. The blood He shed for us on the cross gave us access to God’s presence, a hope that cannot be taken away, and victory in the midst of whatever situation we are in.
A single event—the birth of Jesus—changed the entire course of human history; this is something for which we can wholeheartedly celebrate. Jesus was born for a number of reasons, all of which were based in God’s love for us.
The Law of Moses was given because of sin, but man could not keep it and was headed for eternal death. When God sent His Son in fleshly form to set us free, He presented to us the greatest gift of all. Christmas is actually the day to celebrate the arrival of this peace offering, born so that we could have our right-standing before God restored.
The Law of Moses was given because of sin, but man could not keep it and was headed for eternal death. When God sent His Son in fleshly form to set us free, He presented to us the greatest gift of all. Christmas is actually the day to celebrate the arrival of this peace offering, born so that we could have our right-standing before God restored.
The Law of Moses was given because of sin, but man could not keep it and was headed for eternal death. When God sent His Son in fleshly form to set us free, He presented to us the greatest gift of all.
The Law of Moses was given because of sin, but man could not keep it and was headed for eternal death. When God sent His Son in fleshly form to set us free, He presented to us the greatest gift of all.
When we have accepted Christ, God sees us as faultless, regardless of our earthly state. The process of harmonizing our natural lives with what God has already declared requires the work of the Holy Spirit, who gradually changes us on the inside.
Our identity as members of God’s royal family was sealed when we got born again. Genuine belief in what God has done for us out of love humbles us and enables us to walk in a manner worthy of our high calling.
Our identity as members of God’s royal family was sealed when we got born again. Genuine belief in what God has done for us out of love humbles us and enables us to walk in a manner worthy of our high calling.
Despite what the enemy tells us, we are not what we do, but who God says we are: holy, righteous, and redeemed. God appeals to us to display good conduct to match our status as members of His royal family by birth, which we received when we accepted His Son.
Despite what the enemy tells us, we are not what we do, but who God says we are: holy, righteous, and redeemed. God appeals to us to display good conduct to match our status as members of His royal family by birth, which we received when we accepted His Son.
There is a clear difference between being spiritually immature and being spiritually mature. It's vital for us as Christians to grow into maturity in order for us to receive all that God has for us. Here's Pastor Creflo Dollar sharing what we must do as believers to grow.