Bible Meditation

Includes programmes titled 'Between the Lines - Bible Meditation'

Between the Lines - Bible Meditation - Bill Hewett - Contemplating The Lord’s Supper

2 Aug 2023

The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci is our starting point for this meditation. First broadcast on Premier in June 1997.

God's Love

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett meditates on God's love, as seen in these scriptures: Matthew 21:33-43 Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Psalm 79 First broadcast on Premier in 2002.

You Are Peter

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett meditates on Jesus's words to Peter in Matthew 16:13-20, and how they apply to the Peter in all of us. First broadcast on Premier in 2002.

All Welcome

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett meditates on how Christ welcomes and includes everyone, as seen in these scriptures: Matthew 15:21-28 Isaiah 56:6-7 Romans 11:13-15, 29-32 Psalm 66 First broadcast on Premier in 2002.

Death, Where is Thy Sting?

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett tells the fascinating journey of a man's victory over the threat of death. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1998.

He Must Increase

2 Aug 2023

Kristina Cooper meditates on John 3:22-30, looking at a crucial time in the life and ministry of John the Baptist. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1998.

A Woman Healed

2 Aug 2023

Kristina Cooper meditates on Luke 8:40-48, the story of the woman who was healed by touching the hem of Jesus's garment. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1998.

The Centurion’s Servant Healed

2 Aug 2023

Tim Finigan leads us in a meditation examining our attitudes towards war.

Remembering (4)

2 Aug 2023

In the fourth in his series on remembering, Bill Hewett invites us to ponder on the role that remembering plays in observing Ash Wednesday. First broadcast in 1997.

The Raising of Lazarus (1)

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett begins a short series of meditations on the gospel accounts of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. First broadcast in 1996.

Desire (2)

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett continues his meditation on what we really want and where our desires lead. First broadcast in 1997.

The Raising of Lazarus (3)

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett continues his series of meditations on the story of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead, as recorded in the Gospels. First broadcast in 1996.

The Raising of Lazarus (2)

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett continues to meditate on the story of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead, as recorded in the Gospels. First broadcast in 1996.

Oil for Living

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett leads us in a meditation based on Matthew chapter 25, about preparing for the final judgment (which, he promises, is not as scary as it sounds!). First broadcast in 1996.

The man born blind

2 Aug 2023

Bill Hewett leads us in a meditation based on chapter 9 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast in 1996.