October 27th - Psalm 10:1


Psalm 10:1

This is one of many psalms of lament. Like many such psalms it is really a psalm of complaint. David is not at all happy and he wants God to know it. His life is dominated by evil people, and he can’t believe that God doesn’t get involved and do something. He sees his enemies acting wickedly and getting away with it. In fact, worse than that, their lives seem to be very successful, and they live with a confidence that nothing will ever go wrong.

I draw great strength from David’s honesty. He doesn’t put on an act before God, but tells him exactly how he feels. I believe that that’s exactly what God wants. The truth is that probably all of us have had times when it has felt as if God was far away. On many occasions people have told me that they felt that their prayers were just bouncing off the ceiling. When we go through a particularly tough time, and especially when we see people doing evil things but still prospering, it is easy for us to feel that God is far away from us. But the truth is that he isn’t. As it has been wisely said: “If it feels that God is far away, guess who moved.” The Lord promises to be with us constantly. As Jesus said to his disciples: “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Having poured out his complaint, David ended the psalm by concluding that God was in charge, even if it didn’t feel like it. It’s as if David needed to get a whole lot of angst off his chest, and then he was able to get a proper perspective on life. He concluded: “The Lord is king forever and ever!” (v16). He was confident that even though he was facing huge evil and opposition, God’s justice and compassion would have the final word.

How honest are you in your relationship with God? What have you learned from David’s honesty?

Lord God, help me always to be honest with you. Thank you that I can be confident that you are a God of justice and compassion, and that you will always be with me. Amen

Released on 27 Oct 2023

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