October 19th - Matthew 6:12


Matthew 6:12

The word sin is not popular. Most people will readily identify abuse, murder and bank robbing as sin but would be very reluctant to place the label on any of their own misdemeanours. I recall the time when a good friend of ours, who wasn’t a Christian, attended an evangelistic meeting. The evangelist gave an amusing and powerful message in which he made it absolutely clear that we are all sinners. Our friend is the gentlest and kindest of people, and was deeply offended by the evangelist’s language. She couldn’t bring herself to believe that she could ever be considered to be a sinner. However, Jesus was quite clear that we are, indeed, all sinners and, therefore, in need of forgiveness.

The word for sin that is used here literally means debt. We have all thought, said and done things that have rung up a debt. And the problem is that we have no way of paying that debt. All we can do is to own up to our debts and find someone who would be willing to pay them on our behalf. That is precisely what Jesus came to do. Through his death on the cross he came to pay the price for our sin. There is nothing that we could ever do to rub out the debt. We are entirely dependent on Christ’s willingness to set us free and, amazingly, that’s what he promises to do for all those who own up to their sin and resolve to live a new life in partnership with him.

Forgiveness is a gift that, once we have received it, we are under a duty to pass on. People will often hurt and offend us without intending to do so and so we don’t need to go around saying “I forgive you” to everyone. Most of the time forgiveness is a matter of action. So we show our forgiveness by continuing to love and care for those who have hurt us. We make sure that, tempting as it may well be, we don’t try to hit back and even the scores. We have to make the choice to live a life of forgiveness daily.

Who have you needed to forgive recently and how did you do it?

Loving Father, thank you for the amazing gift of your forgiveness. Help me always to pass on your love and forgiveness to others. Amen

Released on 19 Oct 2023

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