January 31st - Hebrews 11:1


Hebrews 11:1
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
Many people think of faith as being a rather weak, sentimental way of thinking and are inclined to say that they would rather trust the facts. Some philosophers have compared faith with taking a leap in the dark. Personally, I would never encourage anyone to take a leap in the dark. That sounds extremely dangerous and is only likely to result in disaster. I firmly believe that God calls us all on a journey of faith and that amazing adventure is a leap in the light.
First of all, God reveals himself to us through creation. Just by opening our eyes to the amazing world around us we see constant evidence of how majestic and powerful God is. Looking at creation doesn’t force us to believe in God, but it is a powerful indicator of how great he is. God has also given us the 66 books of the Bible to show us how he has worked in the lives of men and women through thousands of years. Within it, we learn that God is a consistently loving God and that he is incredibly patient. The story of the Bible is one of humankind constantly disappointing God and yet, time and again, he offered his forgiveness. He did this supremely in the way in which he sent his son Jesus, to die on the cross. And God has now given 2,000 years of Church history during which we can see how men and women have lived for him through times of persecution, plenty, disaster and victory. God has also given to many of us the gift of Christian friends, in whose lives we can see the reality of faith being lived out through the bumps and challenges of everyday life.
I do believe that God calls us to take a leap of faith and to trust our lives to him, but it’s not a leap in the dark. We need to open our eyes to what a great God he is and then place our full trust in him.
How would you to describe your faith to someone who is not a Christian?
Loving God, thank you that you invite us to step out with you on the adventure of faith. Amen

Released on 31 Jan 2025

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