January 24th - 2 Corinthians 4:7-9


2 Corinthians 4:7-9

I wonder how strong or weak you think you are. It can be hard to admit our vulnerabilities but here Paul does so in the most open way. He lays bare the way in which he has been knocked about in ministry. He faced pressures from every direction and was happy to admit how weak he felt. But, through it all, he had not been defeated and was clear that the reason for this was the power of God. He was just a fragile clay jar. All credit for his survival in ministry must go to God.

When things are difficult, it is easy to conclude that we are in the wrong place. We make the assumption that, if we
are in the place God wants us to be, everything will go smoothly. However, God has lots of tough work to be
done. As Paul discovered, when we are obedient to God, we may be pushed to our absolute limits.

It is important in all of this to know ourselves and God. We must recognise that we are all fragile, and that God
is able to strengthen us whatever the circumstances. Paul’s candid testimony should encourage us to be honest
about what we are going through, in the knowledge that God can cope. It is only as we acknowledge our personal limits that we are able to discover the limitless love and power of God.

When have you been pushed to your limits, and what did you learn about God?

Thank you, Lord, that you are not only perfectly strong but also perfectly loving, Amen

Released on 24 Jan 2024

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