January 17th - Proverbs 11:11


Proverbs 11:11

Following God is an intensely personal matter. But it mustn’t stop there. Living God’s way affects every part of our life. It needs to flow out from our personal walk with God to the community in which we live. The writer of Proverbs was eager that his readers should understand that they had vital responsibilities towards their society. He knew that the cohesion of their community depended on their personal contribution as upright citizens.

Nothing has changed. Our society also depends on the contribution that we make, so let’s explore for a moment what it means for us to be upright citizens. This has to begin with our willingness to submit to the civic authorities, and do what they tell us to do. Paul told the Christians in Rome that they should submit to the governing authorities because their authority came from God. He warned his readers that if they rebelled against the civic leaders they were actually rebelling against God and would be punished for it (Romans 13:3).

We also have a responsibility to pray for our civic leaders. In writing to his young friend, Timothy, Paul wrote that we should pray for “kings and all who are in authority so that they can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good,” Paul observed, “and pleases God our Saviour” (1 Timothy 2:2-3).

In order to pray for our leaders it is good to know what they would like us to pray for. Why not ask your local MP, councillors, police, fire brigade and NHS leaders to visit your church so that you can pray for them during one of your services? I know many churches that have done this. What an excellent way of showing our commitment to the community!

Our society is deeply cynical. You only have to mention local or national politics to be hit by a barrage of carping, critical remarks. I am not suggesting that politicians and leaders get everything right. But they do deserve our love, support, encouragement and prayers if we intend to be the upright citizens that God wants us to be.

In what ways are you able to support your own community?

Loving God, thank you for my community. Help me to be faithful in encouraging and supporting those who have responsibilities within it. Amen

Released on 17 Jan 2024

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