February 26th - Revelation 2:10


Revelation 2:10

It’s hard for most of us to imagine what it would be like to live with the continual likelihood of persecution, simply because of our Christian faith. The harshest treatment that we are likely to receive is to be laughed at because of our faith. But just imagine what it would be like to live with the fear that, at any time, there might be a knock at the door from the secret police. For those of us who have never had such an experience we need to first of all be aware that there are millions of Christians, in many parts of the world, who live today with exactly that threat. And throughout the past 2,000 years there has been a constant tide of persecution. To the church of Smyrna, the Lord told them not to be afraid because there would be an amazing reward for their suffering. They would receive the crown of life. This isn’t the crown of a king, but the trophy awarded to someone who was victor in athletics. This was particularly apt in Smyrna, which was famous for its games.
Smyrna has a very special place in the history of persecution because of one particular martyr in the 2nd Century. His name was Bishop Polycarp. He was required to curse the name of Christ and to make a sacrifice to Caesar or to face being burnt to death. Even the proconsul appealed to him to avoid death but Polycarp replied: “Eighty and six years have I served him and he has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” After offering a prayer, Polycarp was put to death.

Such suffering is hard to hear about, but it needs to drive us to pray for those who are still being called to pay the ultimate price for their faith today. The suffering is terrible but the whole book of Revelation makes it clear that God has the final word: those who stand strong will receive the crown of life.

What do today’s reflections say to us about the way in which we should live for God in this country?
Lord God, I thank you for those Christians around the world today who are suffering so badly for their faith. Help me to stand strongly for you whatever pressures I face. Amen

Released on 26 Feb 2023

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