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Luke 2:16-18
The shepherds “hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished.”
Just imagine if this was happening now. Bethlehem would be swamped with news reporters and film crews, and all the shepherds would have microphones thrust in front of them. The world would be hanging on their every word and the details of their amazing story would have been cross examined with forensic care.
As it is, we have to rely on Dr Luke, who sums up the whole story in just a few dramatic words. In short, the shepherds confirm that the words of the angels about Jesus’ birth were absolutely true. Then, they went out to tell everyone the astonishing story.
Good news cannot be hidden. You rarely need to tell new Christians that it is good to share their story with other people, because they just love to do so. What else would they do? When Jimmy became a Christian, his life was turned upside down by Christ, So, obviously, when he sat down at the lunch table at work the next day, he told everyone. It was such a gripping story that a crowd formed and, within a short time, one of his colleagues decided to follow Jimmy’s example and choose Jesus for himself.
If you are a recent Christian, I’m sure you will be keen to share your story – and people will love to hear what you’ve experienced. But for many of us, it is a long time since we gave our lives to Christ. While it is good to share your conversion story, often, it is more powerful to share what God has done in your life recently. Speak of the peace that God gave you when you faced a bereavement or disappointment, or talk about an answer to prayer. Like the shepherds, we need to share what we have recently seen and heard.
Question – What good news could you share?
Prayer – Lord, thank you that the shepherds were so keen to share what they had experienced. Please give me a similar enthusiasm to share your good news. Amen
Released on 27 Dec 2024
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