Day 92 - Issue 43


Luke 2:37-38
In this part of Luke’s Gospel, our eyes are focused on Jesus and his young parents. A new day had dawned, full of hope for the future. But it is important that it was two old people, Simeon and Anna, who recognised the significance of his birth. They had lived so close to God that they were ready for this moment.
Age can change people in very different ways. Anna had only been married for seven years before her husband died. She was now an old woman and had been a widow for many decades. She could have become cynical with the passing of time, but her life was clearly focused on God. She spent her days in the Temple worshipping God, and that meant that she was spiritually alert and quick to see what he was doing. In this beautiful moment she came alongside Simeon as he spoke with Mary and Joseph and joined in the celebration.
There were, at the time of Jesus’ birth, godly people known as ‘The quiet in the land’ who devoted their lives to prayer, waiting patiently for God to come. Simeon and Anna were such people. Their godly example should inspire us today. Over the years I have met many older people who, as their mobility has decreased, have increasingly devoted themselves to prayer. I have been so grateful for their godly influence and encouragement, and delighted that they haven’t gone the way of so many in becoming increasingly grumpy and negative with the passing of time.
As we get older, let’s allow Simeon and Anna to set the standard for how we should serve God. Let’s be always prayerful, expectant and full of praise.
As you get older what are you going to do to ensure that you become increasingly prayerful?
Loving God, thank you for the wonderful example of people like Simeon and Anna. Help me to get closer to you and become more gracious and loving as I get older. Amen

Released on 31 Dec 2022

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