Day 78 - Issue 42


1 Timothy 3:1

This is a trustworthy saying: “Whoever aspires to be a church leader, desires an honourable position.”
One of the key tasks for Paul and Timothy was to find good leaders. Without godly and effective leadership, the Church was never going to thrive. In this chapter, Paul spelt out the qualities that a church leader needs. And in 1,900 years, it is worth noting that the list hasn’t really changed much! A church leader still needs to have good relationships within their family. They need to be faithful, hospitable, able teachers and gentle. It’s interesting that Paul felt the need to say that a leader shouldn’t be a heavy drinker, violent, quarrelsome or a lover of money, but no one would disagree with him. Paul was also concerned that leaders were not new Christians and that people outside of the church community spoke well of them.

What interests me is that Paul begins these comments by talking about those who aspired to be a church leader. He wanted to encourage them; they were desiring an honourable position. And I believe that that is still the case. Ministers of the gospel certainly do not have an easy life and won’t always be popular, but to serve God is a wonderful thing and should be actively encouraged. I’m grateful to those people who, when I was a teenager, encouraged me to reflect on the possibility of becoming a minister. I was firmly convinced that they were wrong and headed off to study law. However, their kindness and persistence were a crucial part of me becoming a church leader and I am very grateful to them.
We all need to be on the alert, looking out for those whom God might be calling to church leadership. With our love, encouragement and prayers we will see a new generation of leaders who will be able to take forward the work of God.

Question: What other qualities do you think might be necessary for a church leader in the 21st Century?
Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for those whom you call to lead your Church. Help us always to be there to love and support them. Amen

Released on 27 Sep 2022

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