Day 7 - Issue 39


1 Thessalonians 1.9-10 NLT

'And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—Jesus, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment.'
When I was preparing for the 11-plus English exam I came up with a really impressive expression that I made use of, whatever the essay title. It was “with eager anticipation”. Whether we were asked to write an essay about Christmas, going to the zoo, or summer holidays I was always able to find a place for it and on the day of the exam it soon found a place in my story! The expression is a wonderful description of the church in Thessalonica. They were excited to know that, one day, Jesus was going to return to the earth and they looked forward to it with eager anticipation.

Our understanding of the future shapes the way in which we live today and so it is crucial that we understand it properly. There is no doubt that the future of our world is full of threat. Whether we are looking at pollution, the erosion of the ozone layer, climate change, international terrorism or ethnic tension, we see a cocktail of agonisingly difficult issues. It isn’t surprising that many people gaze at the future and feel a sense of impending doom. But the Lord Jesus offers us a future that is full of hope. When he left this earth he promised that one day he would return. The date of that return is not what matters most. What matters is that the future is in the Lord’s hands and so whether he comes within our lifetimes or far into the future he is the one who is in control. And because he is in control we know that, as we place our lives in his hands, we need fear nothing. We have every reason to look to the future that he has prepared for us with eager anticipation!

QUESTION: In what way do you look at the future?
PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that my life is in your hands for time and eternity. Amen

Released on 7 Oct 2021

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