Day 64 - Issue 37


READ: Acts 4.29-30 NLT

“And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
Having been ordered to keep quiet by the Jewish council, Peter and John returned to their Christian friends to update them. Their response was to pray, and what a beautiful prayer it is. You would have understood if they had asked God to sort out their opponents, but they didn’t. They simply asked God for more boldness so that they could continue their ministry and they prayed for yet more miraculous signs and wonders. The pressure of the authorities wasn’t going to silence them for a moment.
I have had the privilege of meeting with a number of Christians who have suffered greatly for their faith. During the communist era I remember speaking with a Romanian Christian leader who had been repeatedly threatened by the secret police. We knew that we were being followed throughout our visit and so went to a secret location to hear his story away from prying eyes and ears. In Pakistan
I recall meeting a man who had been rejected by his family and thrown out of his village when he became a Christian. He had been threatened with death if he returned. I have so much respect for those who have had to exhibit real courage and boldness to maintain their Christian witness.
Such threats are not typical of our society, but it still requires considerable boldness to speak up for Jesus when people are instinctively suspicious and even nervous of those who have strong religious convictions. We have probably all felt the temptation to say nothing just in case our Christian beliefs are misunderstood or misinterpreted. We need to pray for godly boldness so that we speak up for the Lord, whatever the reaction.

QUESTIONS: Do you consider that you need more boldness to speak about your faith?
PRAYER: Loving God, help me to share the Good News with grace and boldness. Amen

Released on 3 Jun 2021

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