Day 57 - Issue 39


Matthew 10.38-39 NLT

Jesus said, “If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”
These statements take us to the heart of Jesus’ ministry. Our society assumes that you find life by acquiring more and more things. But Jesus turns that thinking on its head and declares that the way to find life is by giving everything away. This is precisely how he lived. He was constantly giving himself to others and on the Cross he gave absolutely everything. He now spells out that this is the way of life for everyone who wants to follow him. They must consider that their life is not their own, and be ready to lose it completely in order to find the life that Jesus came to bring. Clinging on to life is the surest way of losing it.
Crucifixion was the most terrible form of torture and execution. It was carefully designed to ensure that the person being crucified suffered for the longest possible time. Some people hung from the cross for days on end before they finally died. It symbolised everything that was most barbaric and degrading, but Jesus used it as a symbol of life. For only when we give up our selfish ambitions, acquisitive spirit and lust for power can we find what it means to be truly alive.

Christ calls us all to join with him in an amazing adventure. It may lack the temporary securities and material rewards which this world prizes, but he will always lead us to an ever- deepening understanding of the solid and lasting treasure of enjoying life with him. So we should never be afraid to give our own life away. It reminds me of the game of dominos. The whole objective of the game is to give your dominos away. If you hang on to them then you’ve lost. To give your life away may not make any sense to those around us but it is nothing less than the path to life.

QUESTION: What does it mean for you to take up your cross daily?
PRAYER: Lord God, thank you for your amazing gift of life. Teach me day by day what it means to give up my life for you. Amen

Released on 26 Nov 2021

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