Day 52 - Issue 35


READ: 1 Corinthians 1:10-11 NLT
'We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you.'
It’s hard to be criticised. No one likes it. If there is some truth in the criticism that’s one thing, but when you are sure that the criticism is totally unfounded that’s something else. That’s Paul’s situation here. He is being ferociously attacked by people in the church in Corinth. It would be a disappointing experience in any setting, but when it comes from the people of God it is particularly discouraging.
Paul’s response is to look inside and to examine his conscience. As he does so the pressure lifts because he has a clear conscience. He believes that he has lived before God with integrity and has depended on God’s grace and wisdom. That didn’t make the critics go away but it did give him strength as he faced up to them and this letter shows him strongly and graciously answering them.
All criticism hurts but we should never be surprised by it. Jesus was consistently criticised throughout his ministry, and he made it clear that his followers would face opposition in the way he did. What we need is to be like Paul and to look carefully at the way we live. If we live close to God and have a clear conscience then we can face our critics with confidence and graciousness. Everyone faces criticism from time to time, but Church leaders are particularly prone to be criticised because of their public profile. We need to pray that they will keep very close to God. In this way they will be able to face their critics with the strength and graciousness that Paul shows in this letter.
QUESTION: How could you equip yourself better to cope with criticism?
PRAYER: Loving Lord, thank you for the wisdom and strength that you give me. Help me to live so close to you that criticism doesn’t blow me off course. Amen.

Released on 11 Dec 2020

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