Day 48 - Issue 37


READ: Proverbs 10.19-21 NLT
'Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless. The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.'
I love the straightforward and down-to-earth language of this amazing book. Written nearly three thousand years ago, the words leap off the page as if they were written yesterday and the writer forces us to sit up and take note. He offers wise advice on a wide range of life issues and all of it is intended to help us to keep our eyes fixed on living life to the full, by walking in the ways that please God. And God loves it when we use our words carefully.
Words can build or they can destroy. They can leave people encouraged or depressed. In short, opening our mouth is a huge responsibility and so we need to ensure that our tongue is under control and, if we can’t do that, to keep our mouths shut. The writer encourages his readers to see the immense value of speaking in a godly way. When we speak like that then our words can be compared with pure silver and will have the effect of encouraging many. What could be more desirable than that?
It is good to reflect back on our life and recall those people who have spoken godly words to us. Words of love, peace and encouragement. I can think of many occasions when just the right words were spoken and the result was that I was left feeling stronger and more confident. Such experiences need to give us renewed determination to look hard at the way in which we speak to ensure that we are using our words to build in the way that God would want. And if not then we know what God asks us to do – shut up!

QUESTIONS: In what ways have people’s thoughtful and kind words to you helped you to encourage others?
PRAYER: Lord help us to use our tongues in a way that will always build up the people around us. Amen

Released on 18 May 2021

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