Day 43 - Issue 37


READ: Acts 1.8 NLT
Jesus said “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
What an amazing day this must have been for the disciples. They are just about to see Jesus disappear before their eyes and before he does so he gives them their marching orders. They are commissioned to take the Good News to the world, no less. These days we know a great deal about the world and can easily communicate across the globe. But for Jesus’ disciples this must have seemed an overwhelming challenge. Where on earth would they start?
Jesus wanted his disciples to know that they were all witnesses. They had seen and heard things which needed to be shared. We don’t all have an evangelistic gift, something which is often said to have been given to about 10 percent of Christians. But we are all witnesses. Our means of communication have changed completely since the first century, but our fundamental responsibility is still to bear our personal witness of what we have seen and heard.
Jesus asked his disciples to witness in Jerusalem. They needed to start where they were. This is often the greatest challenge isn’t it? We all need to share our faith with our families, our colleagues and those who see us day by day, warts and all. He then told them to go to Judaea. Judaea wasn’t an easy area. Much of it is rocky desert with scattered communities, but Jesus tells them to go and share their witness there. He then told them to go to Samaria. Because of the intense hatred that existed between the Jews and Samaritans, they were bound to get a hostile welcome, but Jesus told them to go there. And, as if they hadn’t already been challenged to the limit, Jesus told them to go to the ends of the earth!
The challenge must have seemed overwhelming to the disciples. It must have felt like mission impossible, but it wasn’t. It was mission possible because Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit who would give them the wisdom and strength to obey his command.

QUESTIONS: Who are you able to witness to?
PRAYER: Lord God thank you that you have given me good news to share. Amen

Released on 13 May 2021

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