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Romans 5:3-4 NLT
'We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.'
Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day is the day before Lent starts, a season of abstinence in preparation for Easter. It recognises Jesus’ trial in the wilderness and is also called the Great Fast by some churches. On this day all the fats and foods that were to be avoided throughout Lent are used up, hence pancakes. The idea is that if all the temptations are removed from the house, it is easier to manage our human frailty, and thereby offers us support in persevering through this voluntary fast.
There are no rules as such, although some traditions, such as the Orthodox and Catholics, offer a framework. The idea is that we embrace a fast to focus on our faith choices and reflect upon our faith commitments. It offers an opportunity for couples and families to draw together around their faith. Often food is at the centre of our fast, but this is not the only fast we can make. Jayne, who already has a limited and strict diet due to her health condition, has fasted TV for example, since that requires greater perseverance than what would be no more than maintaining her diet on a food fast. It can also mean dropping a meal and eating smaller servings.
Of course, abstinence alone is not the point. It is in those moments of abstinence, a missed meal or cooking without certain ingredients, we are encouraged to take some time to reflect upon our friendship with God and the condition of our faith. This may involve some self-reflection on the past year. It will also engage us with thoughts and prayers about how we might want to live our faith in the future. In essence, Lent offers a healthy pause for thought, a time to recalibrate our Christian walk.
QUESTION: A fast to get to know Jesus better; what’s to lose?
PRAYER: I want to endure and grow in my love and faith. Help me identify spiritual disciplines that help develop deeper Christian character.
Released on 25 Feb 2020
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