Day 37 - Issue 34


John 10:27-29 NLT 
'My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.'
Do we get wiser as we get older? I have come to realise I am a wonderful expression of God’s creativity, enjoying being infinitely known by him, while I finitely know aspects of God. These finite insights are always there, the promise and presence of eternity in a fractured, transient world. Where once I went in search of myself, I now search for God. My significance can only be in the degree to which I reflect something of the eternal sunshine of my creator. My greatest contribution to life is that deposit of the divine sunshine I leave in my wake.  
Again, experience has taught me that life isn’t fair. It is irrational. How was I born with every opportunity for success, while someone else lacks food and is financially vulnerable? Life can appear to be a lottery. For some, this is a key reason for dismissing the idea of God, as if he distributes the world’s resources, which under any analysis are enough to ensure a reasonable life for everyone.  
Regardless of circumstance, the sun remains, its rays breaking through, often forging memorable patterns upon the landscape, a reminder that God is always with us. I can draw confidence and comfort in life’s apparent successes and its many reverses. Even when I feel I’ve been dealt a losing hand, I remain a winner in God. Nothing can remove me from God’s grasp. Time and again I have to remind myself that I am living in God, not merely for myself.  
QUESTION: Who has God created you to become? 
PRAYER: I am living for you, Lord, not for me. May I remember that today.  

Released on 20 Aug 2020

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