Day 3 - Issue 34


Psalm 134:1-2 NLT 
'Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the house of the Lord. Lift your hands toward the sanctuary, and praise the Lord.'
Once I’ve entered my day, time appears to rush by. Pursuing my rhythm of prayer as a contemplative, managing the Oratory, responding to the questions of those seeking advice, life is full. The day makes many demands and sometimes it’s a challenge maintaining my focus on God. I guess we all face that daily challenge. 
If I have started my ‘day pilgrimage’ by laying a solid foundation as outlined this week, then I am better placed to reach the end of the day with a heart still resting in the Lord. It is then I once again want to encounter God.  
So my day ends as it began. I tell God of the goodness I enjoy as a result of our friendship, the blessing of God. I refuse to let life and my daily experience silence me. Regardless of the wounds inflicted through my daily interactions, I declare what I know is true of God, despite my feelings. I remind myself I’m God’s servant and have the privilege of partnering with him and enjoying the strength that he alone can bring. As Paul declared in 2 Corinthians 12:10, in weakness I shall discover a place of strength. I choose, by an act of my will, to step away from my troubles, into the embrace of my God. I acknowledge my failures before accepting God’s forgiveness. This is an essential part of my day so that I close my eyes at the point at which, hours earlier, I opened them.  
May each day offer you the opportunity and the challenge of a fresh pilgrimage in the grace of God. It is your privilege and opportunity to learn to bless God from dawn to dusk.  
QUESTION: Can you see each day as a fresh chance to live in harmony with God?  
PRAYER: May I greet you each morning, end each day with gratitude and live in contentment with you. 

Released on 3 Jul 2020

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