Day 27 - Issue 37


READ: 1 Corinthians 9.19 and 22-23 NLT
'Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ... When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.'
I love meeting people who are passionate about something, whatever it is. It may be their love of horses or of a particular football club or their devotion to gardening. You sense that their whole life is tuned into their passion and I find it fascinating learning how they organise their lives. Paul was clearly passionate about people finding salvation in Jesus and here he gives us a very clear insight into how he was wired. He lets us see his strategy for spreading this amazing message. His method was to get alongside people whatever their background or their way of life. Whether they were a Jew or a Gentile, weak or strong he would look for the common ground so that he could share the Good News of Jesus.
It’s always the most incredible privilege to talk with other people about Jesus but the conversation will never get anywhere unless you can find common ground. Paul seems to suggest that if you look hard enough you can find that common ground with anyone. It’s not a case of putting on an act, but of showing so much interest in another person that you discover those places where your life meets theirs. When that firm link has been established you are then able to share the Good News in a way that is relevant to them. Paul’s intention was never to force his faith on another person, and it should not be ours. But he was passionate about giving everyone a chance to hear just how great God is, and that would surely be a great objective for all of us.

QUESTIONS: In what way can you find common ground with the people you see regularly who don’t know Christ?
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, that we have such Good News to share. Help us by your Spirit to find ways of sharing it with those whom we meet day by day. Amen

Released on 27 Apr 2021

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