Day 27 - Issue 33


Romans 12:1 NLT
'And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.'
‘Sacrifice’ is not a word we encounter much in our society. If heard at all it is usually presented in ways that draw attention to me: “I sacrificed to put them through university.” The very statement places me centre stage and I anticipate both respect and admiration. But this conspires with my pride and debases the mercy of God, which alone is the basis upon which I’m invited to live my life. I may not speak of my sacrifice but I often allow myself to feel hard done by as I complete unwelcome chores, believing I’m making a greater sacrifice than others. Such a view of sacrifice will only lead to bitterness, which in time will rob me of my joy.
Sacrifice is to give up something by choice for the greater benefit it will bring to others, not merely myself. Jesus is our great example. Incarnate of the Father, he chose to step away from his heavenly home to redeem humanity. In that action we have a clear picture of sacrifice. It is an action that involves real personal cost and is primarily for the benefit of others, including God. This story of redemption is not solely for the benefit of our world. It carries within it the metaphor for effective Christian living.
Only God knows how I might best be deployed in the service of his mission. God alone can ensure that I find my deepest fulfilment. The fact that I can live a fulfilled life is itself a mercy in and of itself. Many have spent fruitless years in a vain pursuit of happiness. But true happiness can only be found in God and offering my life in his service.
Sacrifice is total availability to God. It is not in the doing; not some great exploit to which I am called. It is the ability to encounter and give thanks to God in the minutiae of my daily existence. God’s mercy is that the very practical realities of my experience of life is the space in which I both encounter God and may offer my life as a sacrifice. Here I demonstrate both my love for and my service of God.
QUESTION: Do you give thanks for the gift of today and the ‘ordinary’ blessings you receive?
PRAYER: May I live each moment of this day in a sacrifice of praise and service to you, my Lord and Maker.

Released on 7 May 2020

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