Day 21 - Issue 42


John 6:33-35 
The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”  “Sir,” they said, “give us that bread every day.”  Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” 
When I was a boy, bread, so far as I can recall, was only offered to us in two forms, either brown or white. These days, there is brioche, ciabatta, focaccia, multigrain, naan, pitta, rye, sourdough, whole wheat…to name but a few! I never imagined that bread could be so interesting. But the fact is, however interesting it may be, it can never ultimately satisfy us. We will always need more. When Jesus identified himself as the bread of life, he was claiming that we would never need to look elsewhere for satisfaction. He would meet all our needs.
This is the first time in John’s Gospel that we hear Jesus using the expression “I am”. These words are a clear echo of the way in which God spoke of himself in Exodus 3:14: “I am who I am.” There is no doubt that Jesus was acknowledging that he was the son of God. I am so glad that Jesus spoke of himself as being bread because, important as he undoubtedly was, it made it clear that he was for everyone. If he had spoken of himself as the caviar of life, we would have got the message that he was reserved for the wealthy. But bread is ordinary. Bread is for everyone. So Jesus was identifying himself as the one who could satisfy the needs of everyone, whatever their background or circumstances.
Today, as every day, we will need to be nourished and have our thirst quenched. Jesus offers himself to us. When we come to communion, and receive the bread and wine that remind us of Jesus’ offering of himself on the cross, it is a supremely sacred moment. But we can also receive him as we pray amid the rush and noise of our lives. As we go to the shops, eat, work or play, we can reach out to the bread of life and receive his peace and love.
Question: In what ways is Jesus the bread of your life?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that you offer me bread which will always satisfy my deepest needs. Amen

Released on 21 Jul 2022

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