Day 2 - Issue 36


READ: Genesis 1:3-4 NLT
'Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.'
It would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of light. Without light there is no life. It’s as simple as that. So it is not surprising to discover that on day one of creation God created light. No life could occur until that had happened. But with the introduction of light, life was able to burst out in all its amazing variety over the following days as God created vegetation, fish, animals, birds and human beings.
I love the way in which John begins his gospel. He clearly has these opening verses of Genesis in mind and he makes it clear that Jesus was with God his Father in the act of creation. He writes about Jesus as the Word of God, the one through whom God spoke to the world. In John 1:4 he wrote, “The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.” Sadly, however the light that Jesus brought into the world wasn’t what everyone wanted. In one of the most agonising verses in the Bible John notes that even Jesus’ own people did not receive him. (John 1:11)
The light of Jesus still shines brightly in our world today, but that light is never imposed. We have a choice as to whether we accept it, or stagger about in the dark. On the face of it, it doesn’t sound like much of a choice. Why would anyone choose darkness? Why would anyone want to stagger around, bumping into obstacles and exposing themselves to danger when the light is on offer? But the fact is that, incredibly, many people do choose the darkness and sometimes, truth to tell, so do we.
Let’s deliberately open ourselves to Jesus’ light today. It’s like pulling back the bedroom curtains at the start of the day. There is no law which tells us that we have do this, but we do it because we want to welcome the light. Let’s welcome the light of Jesus today!

QUESTION: As you think of your life, where is there greatest need for the light of Jesus today?
PRAYER: Loving Lord, I invite you to shine your light into my life today. Amen.

Released on 4 Jan 2021

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