Day 17 - Issue 37


READ: Proverbs 3.5-6 NLT
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.'
Trusting is something we do all the time. We trust mechanics, electricians, gas engineers, teachers, police, judges, doctors, nurses – the list could go on and on. But the fact is that our trust in them can never be complete, because they are human. They will have good days but, sadly, they will have some bad ones as well. And occasionally, and mercifully this is rare, there are some people who are completely untrustworthy and let us down completely.
God is different. When we trust in God we can rely on him completely. We can trust him with the whole of our heart and be confident that he will never let us down. Proverbs is an amazingly practical book that is concerned with how to live life to the full, and the writer is clear that trusting God is the most crucial issue. Every detail of our lives in our families, work and leisure turns on this and so he encourages us to make sure that God is at the centre of all of our decisions, with the result that God will show us the right way to go.
This doesn’t mean that God’s guidance comes to us immediately and, at times, that can be very frustrating. We would like guidance to work like a slot machine where we put in our request and get a complete answer instantly. God doesn’t work like that because he wants a dynamic, daily relationship with us that is built on trust. But as our relationship with God deepens, our trust in him grows, and we can live a life that is absolutely confident that God will guide us even when deep fog has descended on us and we can’t see the way to go. Whatever challenge you are facing at the moment you will never make a better decision than to trust God.

QUESTIONS: In what aspect of your life are you seeking God’s guidance at the moment?
PRAYER: Thank you, living Lord, that you are completely trustworthy. Help me to lean more and more heavily on you day by day. Amen

Released on 17 Apr 2021

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