Day 15 - Issue 43


Mark 3:13

'Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him.'
The calling of the twelve disciples is a fascinating moment in Jesus’ ministry. The fact that he chose to work with a group of people and not operate alone is of great significance. In this he affirmed the importance of fellowship. However gifted we may be, we need one another and our very different outlooks and abilities. Going it alone is never Jesus’ way. As a teenager, I met a very enthusiastic Christian who was determined that my home town should all follow Jesus. It was a wonderful vision to have but he was quite clear that he was going to do this by himself. He had a large leather bag, full of Christian tracts, and he was confident that he would be able to get the job done. His enthusiasm was commendable but his method was sadly wrong. We are never called to go off on heroic solo adventures but to work closely with our Christian brothers and sisters.
Jesus’ disciples were a fascinatingly mixed group. Matthew was a tax collector who worked for the Romans. Tax collectors were regarded as traitors because of their close relationship with the occupying forces and were particularly despised because they often became very rich in the process. Another disciple was Simon the Zealot. It is likely that he belonged to a group that was seeking to kick the Romans out of the land, by force if necessary. Just imagine having Matthew and Simon in the same group! One can only imagine that they had some heated conversations during the time they worked with Jesus. But what united them all was their commitment to Christ.

I also find it interesting that so many of the disciples are either largely or completely unknown to us. When we think of the disciples we immediately think of Peter, James and John but there were twelve of them – and each one was crucial to Jesus’ mission, even those whose words were never recorded. Whoever we are, however small our role and few our words, we all have a vital part to play in Jesus’ mission.

Question: Why is it so important to spend time with other Christians?
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for calling me to follow you. Help me to work well with my Christian brothers and sisters. Amen

Released on 15 Oct 2022

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