Day 1 - Issue 42


Proverbs 25:25

'Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty.'
This wonderful proverb doesn’t make much sense in our modern world when communications across the globe are instant. You could have a chat right now with someone in America, Australia or Mongolia – or all of them together! It’s an amazing world. However, I remember the days before such instant communications. When I lived in India if we wanted to communicate, it was by letter – and it could take a couple of weeks for them to arrive from the UK. The highlight of the day was when the postman cycled onto our compound proudly ringing his bell. And when I learnt that he had letters for me, it was just like being given a glass of cold water on a hot day. Wonderful! When the writer of Proverbs was putting together his wise words, it was incredibly difficult and dangerous to send news over a long distance. To receive any news was amazing, and to receive good news from a distant place was absolutely wonderful.
The Bible is full of good news. It tells us that we are made in the image of God, and that we are loved by the creator of the world. This is incredibly good news for us all. At times, we might feel unimportant and unloved but God has a completely different view of us; and he showed us his love supremely when he sent Jesus his Son into the world. Through Jesus’ death on the cross we are offered the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of eternal life. To describe this as good news is hardly adequate.

This is surely the best news that the world has ever heard! I hope you will find these daily Bible reflections helpful, and that they will bring great encouragement to you. At the start of each day’s reflection you will find one or two verses but, whenever you are able, I would encourage you to open your Bible and read the whole chapter. The Bible is bubbling with good news, and I have no doubt that you will find it to be like a drink of cold water on a hot day.

Question: In what way has the Bible brought good news into your life?
Prayer: Loving God, we thank you that you understand us so completely that you are able to meet our deepest needs. Amen

Released on 1 Jul 2022

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