Justin Brierley and Tom Wright are joined by New Testament scholar Justin Bass, author of ‘The Bedrock of Christianity: The unalterable facts of Jesus’ death and resurrection’. They discuss why the appearances of Jesus and the rise of Christianity co...
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today. From a show first broadcast in 2019. • Subscribe to th...
Tom answers questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that Jesus is the only way to God, and how to talk about Jesus with a Muslim in a show first broadcast in 2019. And Tom gets his...
Tom speaks on the role of the church in racial reconcliation in the USA and why he believes the Bible affirms the leadership roles of both men and women. This is the second part of Tom's on-stage interview with Pastor Miles McPherson, recorded at Roc...
NT Wright was interviewed by Pastor Miles McPherson at Rock Church San Diego. They talk about Tom's work to redescribe the gospel in terms of new creation, and what that means for the concept of 'getting saved'. Recorded in 2019. Used with permission...
Recorded at The Rock Church, San Diego, Tom Wright challenges us to think like first-century Christians, to imagine Jesus and the early church within the history, culture, and religion of Second Temple Judaism and the Greco-Roman world. Recorded in N...
Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old Testament sacrificial system, Christ’s ‘descent to the dead’, and an atheist’s claim that Christ’s death was ‘just a bad weekend at hu...
Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig in a replay of an early edition of the show from 2018. • Subscribe to the A...
NT Wright shares his memories of preaching for the Queen while he was the Bishop of Durham. He reflects on her strong Christian faith and how the church can respond in faith and hope at this time of national mourning. For the Unbelievable? show featu...
Should we value the theology of Luther and Calvin given the anti-semitism and killing they both endorsed? How do I convince my Lutheran friend that not all 'works' are bad? Is it a problem that the Lutheran baptistmal rite uses the disputed ending of...
Is faith a valid way of knowing truth? Will we need faith in the new creation? Why is my church so anti-intellectual? Tom answers listener questions on faith, knowledge and reason.• Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast: https://pod.link/14...
Tom offers advice to a listener who is moving away from Christianity because she believes the Bible seems to treat women as second class citizens. Another is an agnostic who has been praying for the war in Ukraine. Will God hear my prayers if I'm not...
Tom offers advice to two people struggling with their faith. One is having doubts during a period of deconstruction, the other can't get past the problem of suffering. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast: https://pod.link/1441656192• M...
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don't agree with my church leadership on complementarianism, but I love the members - should I stay? Tom answers listener questions on church practise and rules....
If the Universe is so big why did God choose to come to a small hill called Mount Zion? If there is sentient life beyond earth would it need redeeming too? Are the Nephilim evidence of aliens and UFOs? Tom answers questions on aliens and the cosmos! ...
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