Ask NT Wright Anything

#158 Why don’t I hear from God any more?

23 Feb 2023

CORRECTED AUDIO UPLOADED!Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God. Nicole asks why 'Ask and you shall receive' doesn't seem to work in practise? Shelagh says she doesn't hear from...

#157 Making sense of Adam, Eve and the Genesis creation story

16 Feb 2023

Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… He also pulls out the guitar...

#156 Have you ever struggled with your own faith Tom?

9 Feb 2023

Listeners want to know about Tom -  Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith? First broadcast in 2019. • Subscribe to the...

#155 Making sense of Old Testament violence

2 Feb 2023

Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’. First broadcast in 20...

#154 Tom answers Qs on universalism, hell and salvation

26 Jan 2023

In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions on dispensationalism, John’s gospel, inerrancy, salvation, hell, universalism and Tom’s favourite books, music and much...

#153 Is the Bible inerrant? Is ’Sola Scriptura’ correct? What about verses endorsing slavery?

19 Jan 2023

How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tra...

#152 - Can women lead in church? Why does 1 Timothy tell women to ’be silent’?

12 Jan 2023

Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesi...

#151 NT Wright Q&A with Bishop Joseph D’Souza on global mission - Oxford Conference Session 3

5 Jan 2023

Tom Wright and Joseph D'Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the theology of mission and discipleship.NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Glo...

#150 NT Wright on the multi-ethnic mission of the church - Oxford Conference Session 2

29 Dec 2022

In this second lecture from the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford, Tom speaks on the multi-ethnic, multicultural, polychrome mission of the church.NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Globa...

#149 Can we trust the Christmas story? Responding to Bart Ehrman

22 Dec 2022

Tom Wright talks to Justin about Christmas and the birth narratives, and answers listener questions on the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on textual transmission, the dating of the gospels, and whether The Ascension happened as described. .....

#148 NT Wright on Reimagining Mission in the Global South - Oxford Conference Session 1

15 Dec 2022

NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Global South, hosted by Bishop Joseph D'Souza of the Good Shepherd Church network in India, in partnership with Premier. In this opening lecture from the conference T...

#147 Catholics have questions

8 Dec 2022

Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever be possible? I'm reconsidering my conversion to Catholicism... should I take my 6 year old daughter out of the church? Justi...

#146 Can a Christian vote for Biden? Can faith be disentangled from left vs right politics?

1 Dec 2022

Tom is joined by Texan Bible scholar Justin Bass as they respond to questions from US listeners about right wing politics and faith. Where does patriotism fit with Christian worship? What do I say to family members who say I can't be a Christian and...

#145 Should I use the word ’heaven’? Will we know everything in the new creation?

24 Nov 2022

A listener wants to know if the suggestion of Old Testament prophets being raised from the dead presents a problem for the uniqueness of Jesus' resurrection? Is 'heaven' the in-between-state before new creation? Will we know everything once we are ra...

#144 Why is John’s Gospel so different? What did Paul know about Jesus?

17 Nov 2022

Tom Wright and Justin Brierley are back with a fresh batch of listener questions on the gospels this week including: How do I reconcile John's portrayal of Jesus with the other gospels? Are the timings of the crucifixion accounts in conflict? And wha...

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