From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright responded to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church. Be part of the Ask NT Wright Anyth...
From 2020: Tom Wright talks about his new book ‘God and the Pandemic’ and takes a variety of live listener questions in this livestream edition of the show. Justin and Lucy Brierley ask Tom questions on racism, other religions, the problem of sufferi...
From 2020: It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence of the women at the empty tomb has been debunked by modern scholarship. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything pod...
From the archives: Just in time for Easter we bring you a show (recorded before lockdown) in which Tom answers listener questions on the crucifixion, the nature of atonement and forgiveness. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast: https:/...
From the archives, from 2020: In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded live at Westminster Chapel London with an audience Q&A. Tom speaks on ‘Jesus, Paul & the question of God’ before en...
From March 2020: Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back...
From Feb 2020: Tom answers listener questions about marriage including: What will our married relationships look like in the new creation? What advice do you have for someone about to get married? What do you think about divorce? Can I get married t...
From Jan 2020: Tom answers question on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs and wonders, and talks about his own experience of the Holy Spirit. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast:
From Jan 2020: Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? What do the New and Old Testament say about the devil? In what ways does Jesus counter the forces of evil in his ministry and at the cross? • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podca...
From Dec 2019: Tom answers questions about when the Book of Daniel was written, is the book of Job historical and does studying the Old Testament undermine faith? • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast: • M...
From Dec 2019: Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible For Everyone’. What makes a good translation, why doesn’t Tom capitalise ‘holy spirit’, and what does he make of Pope Franci...
From Sept 2019: Am I unequally yoked to my wife? What’s the biblical view of singleness? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners. • Subscribe to the Ask NT...
From Sept 2019: An atheist listener asks a question about free will and the problem of evil. Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about...
Replay from June 2019: In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responded to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more. Plus, Tom whips out the guitar again for a Le...
From July 2020. Tom answered listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives. • Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Any...
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