Ask NT Wright Anything

#3 Qs on Christmas, the historical Jesus, Bart Ehrman & The Ascension

11 Dec 2018

Tom Wright talks to Justin about Christmas and the birth narratives, and answers listener questions on the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on textual transmission, the dating of the gospels, and whether The Ascension happened as described.For...

#2 Qs on sacrifice, crucifixion and atonement

27 Nov 2018

Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old Testament sacrificial system, Christ’s ‘descent to the dead’, and an atheist’s claim that Christ’s death was ‘just a bad weekend at hu...

#1 Qs on Heaven, the Kingdom of God and the return of Christ

13 Nov 2018

In the first full episode of the show, Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig. BONUS CONTENT: To enter the draw for...

Tom and Justin introduce the podcast

8 Nov 2018

Register for updates, exclusive content and to ask your question at NT (Tom) Wright is the former Bishop of Durham, a celebrated Bible scholar, author, and Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Universi...