23 Aug 2022

Why Hezekiah Walker didn't like growing up in a Christian home

Walker stopped by the studio to discuss music with Ibe Giantkiller and shared how he always knew Every Praise would do well despite the fact that it wasnt a favourite amongst his team: I have to be honest with you yes I did [know itd be a successful song]Actually I wasnt the writer for it , theres a young man named David Bratton, and when he bought me this song I knew it would go all around the world, my musicians didnt, my choir didnt, as a matter of fact they said please do not record this song its not going to work but there was something about it.


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The music artist also touched on the story that emerged a few years ago about a young boy, Myrick, who was kidnapped and sang this song until the kidnapper released him: that was amazing, we still keep in touch now. I was an amazing time to witness that, a young man who was taken from his yard. He learned this song in Sunday school and he sang that song until the kidnapper let him gothats what its all about, outing music out thatll help people and save someones life.


Raising a child in the faith isnt easy and Hezekiah spoke about the how he felt growing up in a Christian home: Growing up in a Christian home I didnt like it at first as there was a lot of dos and donts and more donts than dos but I have to say now Im more older and grown and but Im thank god for teaching me the ways of the Lord, and not knowing that teaching that teaching was going to bring me to great success, we think its holding us back but back then my parents were trying to thrust me in to great success.

Catch Ibe Giantkiller on the Saturday breakfast show every Saturday from 8am till 11am

Hezekiah Walker is one of the gospel industries most loved artists with his songs like Grateful and Every Praise top of his huge discography
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