12 Jul 2022

WATCH: THIS is how to talk to children about money

Money for many families is a sensitive subject with some parents opting to keep children out of all the financial affairs, shutting down any discussion and not involving them in decisions on what to do with their own money. Mary says that for her and Ken a great tactic has been teaching their children how to budget: every Christmas and birthday they usually get money from their grandparents and we tell them find something thats in your budget and buy something that fits in that - they know how to use Amazon, filter by price and look at reviewstheyre very realistic.

Watch all Ken and Marys tips here:

What about if they dont often get money or come in to contact with it? Ken has a wonderful way of ensuring the topic still remains in conversation: use everyday things around us, for example, when I drop the kids off the school one thing that I do is look for teachable moments rather than silence or listening to music ill point out a chip shop and ask the kids how do you think that chip-shop makes its moneyits a good way to not only talk about money but also entrepreneurship

After hearing what The Humble Penny have to say, will you start talking to your children about money and if so, which tip will you use?

Follow The Humble Penny on social media @TheHumblePenny and make sure to subscribe to their YouTube for some great financial advice 

Do you or did you ever speak to your children about money and if you did, how did it go? It can be a difficult topic to navigate or teach around however The Humble Penny have some practical tips to guide you this week
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