11 Jul 2022

WATCH: The book that'll 'shake tables' - we speak to the author

Reverend Marjorie Esomowei is a certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker. She is the author of several books and study manuals. Her calling, as she describes, is for women.

The pastor joined Belinda on the Gospel Breakfast Show and shared what made her take it upon herself to speak to women specifically: first of all I believe thats the calling upon my life. I had a very profound encounter with God and my ministry for women came directly from the voice of God. If you look at from the church, some would say sadly but no we see theres a lot of women which is a blessing. if women are the greater part of Gods workforce then we need to pay attention to that group, and thats why women ministry is so important.

Watch the full interview here:

Pastor Esomowei has released a new book entitled The Leading Lady Her Life and Her Influence and she spoke with Belinda about what the most difficult thing was about writing the book: the hardest part of writing the book is when I talked about the alpha male in the church. I was thinking should I talk about this or just let sleeping dogs lie? But God gave me the wisdom, so I wrote about that topic and how a woman should navigate around that. I did some table shaking here and there!

Some of the topics to be included are gender bias in the church, dealing with Alpha Males and overcoming jealousy and competitiveness from other women, which all look set to cause a stir.

Boris Johnson has just resigned as prime minister of the UK and Belinda asked whether the pastor thought a woman should step in, to which Pastor Esomowei replied: let them fix their mess, I dont think a woman should jump in, let them sort out their stuff!

You can pre-order the book and find out more about Pastor Majories ministry by following her on social media

Women in ministry has always been a highly debated topic, with ,many assuming that the woman place is to keep silence and not supporting the women who want to further their reach.
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