7 Jul 2022

WATCH: Here's What To Consider When Taking Out A 50 YEAR Mortgage

The Humble Penny's Ken and Mary are back this week to help you decide what's the best course of action. Ken notes how house prices continue to sky rocket, to buy a house in England youre buying it at around 91x your salary compared to around 4.5x which they use to do affordability checks.  

So with all this in mind, is a 50 year mortgage a good idea?

Watch Ken and Marys advice here:

Mary shares a positive of taking out a 50 year mortgage: the first advantage is itd allow people to build up equity instead of rent which is considered dead money.

Its allow more people to get on the property ladder too.

There are disadvantages however, which they detail in the video above along with a helpful scripture on creating generational wealth.

After hearing what The Humble Penny have to say where do you stand on 50 year mortgages?

The Humble Penny are on YouTubeInstagram and Twitter and feature on the Gospel Breakfast show every Tuesday morning from 7am

The government are considering a 50 year mortgage that can be passed down generations.
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