9 Mar 2022

Viral Comedian Beverly Adaeze Says Depression Lead Her To Christ

Beverly Adaeze is a viral comedic content creator currently based in Columbia. Her skits on her Nigerian heritage have gained millions of views across the world and have solidified her place in the online comedy world.

For International Womans Day 2022 (8th March) Cassandra Maria spoke with Beverly live on Instagram to talk about her faith, what it means to be a woman and how she came to know Christ. In the chat, Beverly revealed how it was depression it her teens that was one of the reasons why she found Jesus, saying: "what I thought was going to be fulfilling ended up not being and it left me empty, I thought 'there has to be more than this'...it was a period of depression too in college that lead me to Christ"

Beverly also touched on what it means to be a woman in the 21st century, saying: I would just say its understanding who I am and how Christ sees me and how shes not trying to compete with men or anybody else. 

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Premier Gospel Inspiration on Instagram: Beverly Adaeze
Comedians are known for their quick wit, their eye for the funny and of course, the laughter they bring to the world however even the most comical can go through periods of depression
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