5 Oct 2021

UK Gospel Spotlight: Rae Rae

Akosua DF: Let me start off by saying that we love your new single. The violin solo intro immediately sets the tone for the song. The song sounds deeply personal, can you share the story behind it. 

Rae: Thank you so much. During the process of the song, I cried a few times because I realised how deep it was. In the moments when I was teary, it resonated with me so much because I found myself going through moments in my life when Id asked God about my future. Although I seemed to have it all planned out, things are working in a different way and that can be scary. Its definitely a song that reminds us of God's promises. It speaks protection over us and takes us back to moments when we should remember Gods victories, and that should power us on. Psalm 91 says God covers us with his feathers, and thats such a beautiful picture because it shows that His touch is ever so close.

Akosua DF: Theres a lot going on in the world right now and its easy to feel overwhelmed. What encouragement would you give to your listeners and fans?

Rae: My message during these hard times would be; just continue to believe what the word says. Sometimes the world can rip us of our joy and we get anxious but we need to hold on to what God has said. His word says that in this world there will be troubles but He has overcome the world.  He is great and has all power. We may not understand why certain things happen but we still have to trust that He is God and knows all things. Lets pray for people that are going through a hard time and continue to give thanks even in the middle of the chaos.

Akosua DF: Ameeeeeeeeen! You are slowly building a catalogue of great songs. Which one is your favourite? 

Rae: I would have to say Lay it all down. That song has always touched me because its a reminder that God will take care of everything if we lay it all at His feet. Ive received several testimonies about the song. Someone messaged me to say that it helped them get through a time of job transition. I love the sound of the song, its very calming.

Akosua DF:  Describe your new single in 5 words?

Rae: Ooooooh Id say heartfelt, encouraging, peaceful, breath-taking and uplifting,

Akosua DF: Ok fun question. If you could spend a day with any Bible character, who would it be and why?

Rae: At this minute it would probably be Moses. I think the presenter side of me would kick in and Id be holding my microphone ready to ask him a million questions. So how did it feel to cross the Red Sea, how did you feel when the waters parted sir? [puts on animated voice]. His story resonates with us on a human level because we see his flaws yet his heart for God shines brightly. Being with him for a day would definitely stir my faith.

Listen to Cover Me here

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Monday, 4 October 2021

HFP Music have had a busy year. Theyve signed Canadian powerhouse Daphne Richardson, taped a documentary, filmed multiple music videos and churned out great music. Last week they released a new single for their artist, Rae Rae. We caught up with her to chat about the new song.
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